Monday, August 22, 2016

"I'm from a small town you probably don't know...."

Following the time with the peer helpers and new students today, the school ordered pizza for the peer helpers.  Seemed like a typical activity to have following a time they volunteered and came in on their last day of vacation.

There were two things that stuck out to me though - the size of the pizza slices, and Peter.

I did a brief intro of myself - let's be honest, middle schoolers didn't really care who I was - they were more concerned with their lockers and schedules, as they should be.  They did point and talk about the tattoos though - interesting to watch.  While introducing myself though, I asked if there were any Hungarians in the group.  One middle schooler's hand shot up into the air and Peter identified himself as a Magyar.  I was so excited that later I followed up with, "so where are you from in Hungary?"  He said, "I was born in Budapest, but lived in a small town you probably don't know."  I said, "oh yeah?  Try me."  His answer...... drumroll........ "I lived in Tata."  SHUT THE FRONT DOOR.  That's where I lived and taught.  What are the odds?

and the pizza.  it was delicious.

1 comment:

  1. Now that's a slice of pizza! You could fit a whole BreakoutEDU game into one of those!!
