Sunday, July 29, 2012

At camp again

After our swim we had a Polish dance ensemble come to the camp.  They did some folk dancing and were wonderful.  It was interesting to see the outfits and the dance styles as they compared to Hungarian Folk Dance.

After the performance we drove a short distance to a manor house.  It was a couple towns over, but as a result of the roads and our bus, it took us a while to get where we were going :)  On the way, we stopped at an old parish church that was from the 18th century.  It was a beautiful church that would draw people from all over the countryside one per month (or every so often, I don’t remember). 

We continued to the manor house, which was originally inhabited by the nobility of the area.  Their family owned a bunch of land in the township, but then the land became “state farms.”  It was an interesting evening.  When we returned to camp, there was a performance of sorts put on by the Polish students and staff.  They were making skits of Polish legends and such.  The kids did a lot of the script writing themselves and created their costumes on their own as well.  I think the most interesting part for me was the fire that they lit.  Evidently fire is very important in this country, and they elected two students to be the “guards” of the fire.  As long as the fire was still going, there was going to be success for whatever meeting was going on.  

Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Warta

Sunday we decided we were going to go swimming in the river.  It was moving really fast (as it is the third largest river in Poland) and it was hot out so there were lots of people out.  I started, once again, with trepidation, but eventually went in.  We decided a good workout would be to try to swim/go/move upstream.  It worked well for Emily, but Melissa and I struggled a bit.  It took us at least 20 minutes to go 50 meters, and we were exhausted (at least I was).  Emily was moving like a trooper- she’s a true athlete.  I think the most awkward part of the whole endeavor, was seeing students out there with their families - some of their family members in speedos.  Not unusual for Europe, but definitely unusual for Americans.  Once we’d floated to our hearts content, Tomek told us he was going to jump in the river using a stick they had swinging from a tree.  I decided it would be in my best interest to join him.  Yes, the non-river swimming girl who is afraid of fish, particularly any that are unbeknownst to swimmers, was going to swing from a tree into the river.  I waited in line and after a long time of waiting, I finally made the leap.  It was ugly at best as my hands slid off the branch early, BUT, I was again in the river.  Melissa and Emily came to find me, and I’ll let you watch the video for the rest of the story. 

The Warta  <------- click there for the video

Talent Show

We had a talent show the first Friday of camp, and it was very different from any talent show I’d seen before.  First of all, there were stringed instruments involved, which, at an arts enriched camp is not that unordinary, but I was surprised.  Coupled with the violins and cellos, we had a kid who danced to “I’m sexy and I know it” and one who balanced spoons on his nose.  It was quite the range of “talent.”  Emily and I had prepared a dance for this talent show, but it got rained out before our chance to perform.  Have no fear, we will give the performance of a lifetime before we leave.  My favorite talent was Jakub, who lived in Chicago for three months and has an excellent command of the language.  He played violin to Britney Spears’ “oops I did it again” with a karaoke background.  Hilarious.
Here is Jakub playing Britney Spears

Janek balancing a spoon

Simon playing the cello - shortly after his performance, he dropped it and it broke :(

Saturday, July 14, 2012

4th of July

A few words about the Fourth of July - it was an interesting day here in Poland.  As you saw from the pictures, we decorated the cafeteria in red white and blue, and talked about freedom and liberty in class.  I did a small history thing in class and prepared for the afternoon activities.  After lunch the students engaged in some baseball and put on temporary tattoos.  There were several students with stars and stripes clothing and they really got excited for the day.  There were a half dozen of us who participated in a short play that Tom and Mary Rita wrote about the meaning of the 4th of July and the contributions Poles like Thaddeus Kosciusko (after whom the foundation I am here with is named) made to our country’s liberty.  It was interesting for me to learn the Polish connections and for the kids to learn about this connection to our Independence.  After the play, we engaged in a s’mores fest complete with all the fixins and a cup of strawberries and blueberries for each kid.  It was crazy - They don’t have access to marshmallows like we do in the states, so they loved the idea of the s’mores.  Additionally, it was American chocolate so they were excited about that.  Couple it with fire and camp songs- it was an ideal night for all of these events.  All in all, the 4th was a success.

Trip to the spring

Last night Emily, Melissa, Lauren and I went on a bike ride to find the grotto that is near by.  Tom had mentioned it before, and we had nothing else to do, so we set out with a vague idea of directions which entailed “taking a left then a right and there’s a dirt road and it’s at the end.”  Awesome.  Whatever, we were up for another adventure so off we went.  
We turned left at the appropriate time since it was pointed out to us on the bus.  Incidentally, the infrastructure of roadways was not top priority under the Russians (and they must not have had money to fix them up post communism) so we traveled by bike potentially faster than our bus carries us.  At any rate, we were on our way to the water source and that’s all that really mattered.  We were unsure as to the “right” that we were directed to take, so we tried the first one.  At the top of the hill, there was a dirt pathway off to the right, and we were directed to go on a dirt pathway, but I thought it came in at the very end of the paved road.  SO... we stopped at a woman’s house to ask directions again.  She was outside gardening and came right to the gate as soon as she saw me approach.  I greeted here again with a “good day” in Polish and she returned the greeting.  I went on to say, “I don’t speak Polish... water?”  and I shrugged my shoulders.  We were close to the water source and I figured she’d know what I was referencing.  She began to talk in rapid fire Polish... fail.  I managed to eek out a “1 kilometer” and some gestures in a particular direction, but then she stopped to ask me a question.  What?!  There are NO questions to someone who doesn’t speak the language.  That’s like a given isn’t it?  She became frustrated that I wasn’t understanding me, put up her index finger at me and said, “moment.”  A minute or two later, an elderly lady in a babushka type head covering and a purple duster came out and began to wheel a bicycle our way.  The first woman, who is probably almost 60, shut the front door, took the bicycle from her mother and motioned for use to ride with her to the water source.  Yes, you read that correctly, she mounted up and rode us to the source.  It was a beautiful ride through the woods, with us Americans chattering with each other wondering what she was saying.  Emily joked that she was our new “pilot” for this trip.  Side note: we are not allowed to travel in the bus anywhere without a “pilot.”  Our Polish interpreter is not enough, we need an ADDITIONAL Pole to accompany us on any bus ride to serve as a navigator of sorts I guess.  I personally think it’s a job security thing, BUT the one we have is a wealth of local knowledge so that is nice.  So - Emily was the “pilot” handling the translation and navigation :)
Emily and our friend

the spring

the pond near the spring

holy $%&^!

We rode through the woods and down a bit of a hill to the entrance to the water source area.  I wasn’t too sure about cycling down the hill as it was a sandy path that had washed out a bit with the recent rain.  BUT, if she could do it, so could I.  We parked our bikes and she walked us to the right, where the spring was.  She talked at us there, and then brought us to the left, where there was a newly erected (2008) outdoor chapel.  She said some words about the third of May (when mass is celebrated there) and then she bid us farewell and off she went.  We thanked her as much as possible in our broken Polish.  What a nice lady! I don’t know that I would have taken the time from my day to stop what I was doing to help others like that. 
It was a beautiful sight in the middle of the woods.  The part that really made it seem magical was the presence of some Polish nuns.  They were praying near the water source and sitting in the benches of the chapel.  I suppose it made it seem a bit more real as a sacred Catholic place rather than us just schlepping into some campground or rest area in the woods.  
We sat for a bit and said some prayers, looked at the various rosaries hanging in the altar area, took in the atmosphere of the scene.  At the spring, we filled bottles with the water, it was surprisingly cool water, and delightfully clean in terms of taste.  It has been tested in the past and is okay for human consumption and remains at 6 degrees celsius year round, never freezing.  After about 30 minutes of taking it in and walking around we returned to our bicycles and started walking them back up the small hill.  As we were walking, the sun was setting, and some of the nuns were emerging from the forest.  I had a chance to snap a picture of one among the large trees and I think it’s simply a magical picture - iPhonetography at  its best.  
As we were emerging from the forest on our bicycles, we came across the same woman who led us to the water source.  She was talking with a friend of hers who had just come from blueberry picking in the woods, and it appeared as if she had waited for us.  WOW!  Well, crap.  Now what do we say?  I had exhausted the appropriate Polish I knew already in our first encounter.  I only had the emergency go-to’s left, “where is the bathroom?” and “how much does it cost?”  Neither of those was going to work.  Welp... when in doubt, there’s an app for that right?  Right.  I had a “Polish Phrases” app on my iphone so I whipped it out in the hopes of finding some phrases to be able to communicate.  I started with “it’s nice to meet you” and it was down hill from there.  She started talking about numbers and holding up fingers - turns out that she can hold up five fingers and I can hold up five fingers.  I don’t know why I did, but I was mirroring what she was doing.  Fail.  I think she was asking us to come back, but I still don’t really know.  Melissa was videotaping us in the hope of getting some things we could translate back at the camp, but the whole thing was just a comedy of errors.  I tried to show her the word for “return” and “Tuesday” indicating that we would come back the next day, but that didn’t go over.  SO, she busts out her phone (not a smart phone) and typed out a text message.  Well, it was in Polish, and had no possibility for translation because we had no way of popping these words into google translate in the middle of the Polish woods.  Emily wrote it down on the back of our card from the camp, and we found out later that it asked us how many days we would still be in the area.  Of course at the time we had no answer, but what could we do?  
After some muddling through awkward language barriers we decided we’d better head back because it was getting dark.  We said our goodbyes and returned to the camp with a new Polish friend. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A day in the life of camp.  In case you’re wondering what we do on a daily basis, let me give you a taste of our lives.  We have breakfast at 8:30 in the morning.  What you do before that is up to you, depending on how late I was up the night before either from campfire singing or loud TA’s talking outside my room, I get up and go for a run.  I’m still adjusting to the sleep schedule as I’m not usually up past 9.  It’s okay on weekends and such, but for real, this late night stuff is killing me.   

At any rate, we all file into breakfast, and occupy our room that is saved for the teachers.  We sit at a long table and there are four or five sets of each of the food types provided.  In the morning, hell, every day, there are tomatoes, cucumbers and some form of ham.  There are always baskets of bread with butter and jam.  We have water and tea, and coffee, and sometimes a warm pink drink that is some sort of compote.  I’ll do a more in depth entry on the food, but these are the staples.  After breakfast, we clear our table and bus our dishes to the kitchen staff who work their TAILS off serving several sessions of food each meal.  We have about 30 minutes before classes start, so preparation is usually in order.  We have four 45 minute class periods with a 5 minute break in between, then a staff meeting afterwards.  We go over any issues we’re having in class and talk about the plan for the day.  When the meeting is done, it’s about lunch time, so we return to the cafeteria, to be greeted by various forms of tomatoes, cucumbers and bread.  Following lunch, we break off into either sports activities or something else that we would want to teach the kids.  I’m doing a one hour photography activity twice.  We’ll see how it goes.  I also went to watch some of the sports stuff, but that’s mostly left to the TA’s to keep the 100 kids busy and active for two hours.  If people want to, they can go for a hike, take a bike ride, have a nap - whatever suits your fancy.  At 6:30 we eat again.  Lunch is the big meal here, so dinner is typically a lighter meal which is nice.  That’s it!  That is how we spend most days here- one week down, two to go!
Chicken rolled with peppers inside of it

the jam plate, tomato cucumber plate, and meat jello shots

tomatoes with cheese horseradish and some other stuff

a delicious pastry we had

meat jello shots

hot dogs? with cheese and catsup

meat kabob

meat spread?

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Jurassic Water Park

Saturday, we took off on our first all camp excursion.  Polish pilot in tow, we were off to a Jurassic water park.  What is a Jurassic water park you ask?  Your guess was as good as mine.  It took us two hours by bus (which was actually only 60 miles, but on these roads, it’s awful) to travel to this dino-aqua park.  Luckily, they had packed each of us a “bus snack” to take with (two bottles of water, a banana, two sandwiches - one large and one snack size, some crackers and a cookie). When we got there, we dismounted and all were given a pair of 3D glasses... still not knowing why we were handed these or in what capacity we would be using them.  We got into the park and were divided into groups- the kids and the American staff.  We got an English speaking tour guide and the kids went on their own with Polish speakers.  The first thing we saw was a prehistoric oceanairum.  Again, your guess was as good as mine... It ended up being a dark circular tunnel with LED screens on the inside of the circle reflecting prehistoric sealife, so as to look like a large aquarium of sorts.  Some of them just floated by the window pleasantly, and others bore their teeth at us as we walked around the circle.  It was a most unpleasant experience as a result of my inappropriate fear of sea creatures and anything that swims.  
After this, we boarded a small tourist train, which as anyone who has traveled with me in Europe will attest, I usually love.  However, this was a different story.  on the left side of the train was a closed wall so as to block that side of the train.  The right side was open and had tiered seating to form a theater like aspect to the train.  It would have been fine had I not been bruising my knees because the rows were so narrow.  Keep in mind that I am a petite person who doesn’t usually require a lot of leg room, but this was absurd.  Evidently it was for small children.  Whatever, I was excited about the train.  I was going to sit in the front.  Once the train was fully loaded, we took off on a tour of the “time tunnel.”  On each train car, there was a projector mounted and the “tunnel” was a long dark tunnel with a screen on the right side.  the projector shone on the screen, with English subtitles, and we were told the story of the evolution of the earth.  After a 10 minute ride through the “time tunnel” we were left out in a field type area to continue our tour.  I still didn’t really have a grasp on what we were doing or where we were going, but after my years in Hungary, I learned to just roll with it.  Too bad it was about 95 with 100% humidity out.  It was flat out uncomfortable.  And away we went... to the dinosaur field.  I don’t even know how to explain it, but as a kind of quarry that had been filled in with life size dinosaurs.  We had to walk on a path that wound around and opened up into the dino field.  I probably would have enjoyed it a bit more if it wasn’t so dang hot out, but we were out in the blazing sun and dinos have never really done it for me.  The impetuous for building this here is as a result of the fossils they found in the area.  I will say that seeing a fossils of skulls of dinosaurs millions of years old was pretty cool, but I wasn’t having the sun. 
After the dino tour, we were brought to lunch.  Each of us, the 100 some kids and Polish staff, the 18 Americans and our bus drivers were given Russian Pierogis (the only think that makes them Russian is that they are filled with cheese and potato).  They kind of turned me off to peirogis in general, but what can you expect from amusement park attempts at cultural food.  At any rate, after lunch the kids were released to the water park.  I wasn’t interested as it was a man made lake with sand and such - probably a urine infested cesspool (not really, but I’m skeptical about water parks).  I sat and read instead.  All in all, a bit of a crazy day, but when in Poland...
The front of the park

looking into the dino park part

the train with the projectors on it

Polish dino

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Grocery Shopping

This week in class, we did one of my favorite activities ever.  I brought a number of advertisements from the Sunday newspaper and had the kids make a grocery list for a party they would throw.  We started by talking about what kinds of food they would have at a Polish party, then moved into using the ads to spend $40.00 on a party.  The lists they came up with were wonderful.  My favorite list started AND ended with whiskey, and had Huggies diapers in the middle.  What the heck kind of party includes diapers and whiskey?  It was partly my fault because some places like Byerly’s and Lunds have alcohol advertised, and I didn’t catch that.  Other interesting things students chose were batteries, detergent, and foods that didn’t seem to fit in a party atmosphere, but whatever- they had fun!  At the end of the lesson, Simon stopped and said,  “that was fun.”  Winning.

Whiskey is the top one here... followed by detergent and huggies, jumbo.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Pictures from the 4th

Emily reffing volleyball

baseball during sport time

Janek up to bat!

Melissa and the strawberry/blueberry cups they filled

the smokes

Melissa and Asia working to assemble the s'mores

cooking the delicious smokes!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Fourth of July!!

Yesterday was the 4th of July here at camp - and at home too I suppose - and we went all out here at camp.  We began the night before by decorating the cafeteria with all the schtuff that we brought with us, and things that have been left from years past.  There were boxes and boxes of stuff that we had to sort through, most of it was put to good use.  There were streamers and costume pieces, and random weird things that we had no idea what they were to be used for, but we forged ahead anyway.

Here is the cafeteria waiting for the kids to come in.  We spent probably 40 minutes or so preparing these decorations (I personally put in a good 20 minutes and then let the younger ladies take over) and they did a great job.  The kids loved them, but were distracted by food way too quickly.  For all of you out there who have prepared an entire meal and it's gone in 15 minutes - you know what I'm talking about.

Throughout the day, we did activities with the 4th of July in class- at least in my class anyway.  Emily and I talked about what the 4th meant to us as a country and how we usually spent the 4th of July.  We also utilized the decor I brought for the kids, the lady liberty hats and other patriotic caps.  They wrote word association sheets using the words "Freedom" "America" or "Liberty."

Adam's Freedom activity - please look closely at the words he chose to associate with "freedom"

Janek - working hard as usual

One of the classes

After class the kids had the opportunity to play baseball as their "activity" for the day - it was quite entertaining.  They hadn't been exposed to the rules really, only a few kids were familiar with the game,  so they went after it as much as possible.  The hitting was pretty good - way better than I could have done, that's for sure.  They were a bit confused on the fielding, as they all seemed to flock towards the ball no matter where it went.  The first baseman could cross the entire infield - it was fun to watch.  Having said that, me playing handball would be as entertaining to these folks I'm sure.  Actually, now that I think about it, me playing baseball would as entertaining I imagine.  

Following baseball, we prepared for our "play" and the s'mores activity.  We were all told to bring "things for s'mores" - what that meant was pretty vague.  I got 30 or so bars of chocolate and three large bags of marshmallows.  I didn't indulge in the graham crackers, I was hoping someone else would bring them... and they did.  We ended up with a hodge podge of stuff, but it all worked out!  We had enough for all 100 kids, and then some.  As we were preparing the pieces for the kids, I was counting in my head to see if there would be enough for me.  I never really got the "camping" experience as a kid - which I'm not complaining about, but a REAL s'more?  When was the last time I had a legit s'more on from a fireplace?  I can't recall.  I was thrilled.  However, as we have access to these things on a regular basis, I should really be more concerned with the kids getting them, but I wasn't.  I certainly was a bit bothered when Stanley returned for a second, third, fourth through seventh.  I think by the end of the time out there, I was trying to make Stanley barf up marshmallows or something.  

Our performance highlighting the contributions of the Poles to our nation's Independence-  (which I learned great things from) was stunning to say the least, and the s'mores were a hit.  We did campfire songs and had a wonderful evening.  

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Let's Go Ride a Bike

After lunch, Emily, Melissa and I decided to take a bike ride.  Evidently, the camp has purchased a “fleet” of bicycles for the use of those who are here.  Delightful.  I haven’t gone on a bike ride in a long time (despite the $$ I spent on a nice cruiser last year).  We chose three bikes, and after some seat adjusting, brake testing, and general consensus that what we had was just going to have to work, we set off.  Our original target was the store in town.  By ‘store’ I mean general collection of stuff you might use at some point in your life.  Granted, there was some sad produce, and a refrigerated cooler stocked with various types of beer, and some dry goods.  BUT, the real treat came from looking at the “other stuff” that was there.  Emily, bless her heart, brought me mascara from here yesterday, which sat on a shelf with playing cards, shaving cream and other assorted bathroom accoutrements.  Just below, there was bug killer, “American tshirts” and notebooks.  Behind the counter, where all the truly valuable stuff rests, was a wall of vodka and other assorted alcoholic beverages.  Thankfully, we had been advised while in Warsaw to pick up a bottle of vodka because we’re out in the middle of the forest and there isn’t anything else to do.  To my surprise, this piece of advice came from the veteran teachers, both veteran in experience at this camp and in life.  Funny advice to receive, especially since I don’t like vodka at all.  Welp... when in Rome? Anyway, back to the store... it really was a delightful hodgepodge of stuff.
Here is the store

After the store, we decided to roll on to the next town.  We were feeling fierce and ready to rock these bikes.  It was a nice afternoon, peaceful surroundings and great company.  AND, to add some gold to the picture, I was sporting my prized possession from the Grand Marais Ben Franklin store - a fishing hat with bug netting that rolls down from the rim to protect you when needed.  Yup.  Rocked it on the bike.  Melissa had a hat that was almost as cool, it doubles as a fan and folds up when not needed.  A gem she picked up while living in Vietnam.  Emily, she had  Michigan hat on.  Which was worse?  Michigan or a bug-proof hat?  Jury’s sill out.  

We turned toward a village that was listed as a mere two kilometers away.  I know I’m not entirely sure of this whole metric thing, but for reals.  That was way more than two kilometers.  Most of it was uphill too.  Pretty still, but yeesh.  At one point, there was a young man in bright yellow shorts who was riding just behind us, but he disappeared at some point and we lost him.  Where he went, we have no idea.  
Victory was ours when we finally landed in the downtown of the village.  By downtown, I mean bus stop and trio of homes.  At one of these homes, an outbuilding doubled as a store.  We saw a guy come out of said store just as we arrived, and we spotted racks of different beverages and other such goods.  We got off the bikes to look around and take pictures of their super cute mailboxes.  After doing a 360 and seeing the entirety of the town, we decided to stop in what we thought was the store.  I approached the door, and sure enough, there were hours listed, so in I went.  Wait... no I didn’t.  I COULDN’T.... because the owner had locked the door and shut us out.  Evidently three women on bike-back speaking English really makes people nervous.  After I tried the doorknob once more just to make sure I wasn’t making this up, we gave up and returned to the bikes.  As we mounted up, the owner came around the side of the building and asked us something, but we had no idea what it was - as I know less Polish than many of the other languages I’ve studied.  

We decided at this point, instead of curving back down the same hill, that we were going to venture into the trail in the forest.  This is where Emily started questioning our friendship.  Off we went on a dirt/gravel/sand path.  It was well traveled either by field vehicle or automobile, so it had to go somewhere, right?  At first, I thought it could be someone’s driveway back to their farmland.  No homes... we just kept biking.  Fork in the road, we go left.  And keep biking.  We work our way up another hill, and keep biking.  I’m starting at this point, to really regret that I chose the bike that does nothing but 7th gear.  We kept biking.  We came to another fork in the road, chose left again and kept biking.  We were rolling through sandy paths now- Melissa afterwards stated that she didn’t know which was worse, the wet or the dry sand.  They both were bad to try and traverse.  We kept biking.  We wound down and around what seemed to be the forest that we started through, we kept biking.  As a team, we collectively were getting a bit nervous as to the choices we (mostly me) had made - directionally speaking.  We kept biking.  Emily stopped to question if this path was going to lead to any sort of civilization or not - meaning the trio of homes we saw earlier our our “town” with a dozen or so homes in it.  We kept biking.  We ran through some puddles, up and down small hills as we kept biking.  We plowed through sandy trails (and by plowed, I mean the way that a snowplow does on 94 in Stearns County after 10 feet of snow... slowly but steadily) and kept biking.  Finally at one point, Emily took a left (when internally I thought we should have gone right) and it took us to a paved road.  AND, the bus stop not too far down the road said part of the name of our town on it.  Turns out, the part that was different was actually significant.  Emily said we should go right, I wasn’t quite sure, but she looked at a map that appeared on the side of the road across from the bus stop and was convinced that we were to double back towards where we came from.  I decided that I should stop and ask a lady who was out in her garden.  I entered her yard, passed the barking dog, and tried to get the attention of the woman sleeping (or dead) on the porch.  It didn’t work, so I kept going deeper into the yard, around the house towards the garden that I saw originally.  I entered the fenced off garden, paused for a minute as she stood up and she immediately greeted me with a “dzien dobry” and I returned the greeting in Polish.  Followed by “I don’t speak Polish, I’m sorry” and I gave her the card of the camp that had the name and the address on it.  I pointed to the left, and then to the right and shrugged my shoulders.  She gave me much more in response, but essentially pointed the same direction Emily wanted to go and said “trehs kilometres!” I smiled, thanked her and we were on our way.  

We returned home safely- tired, hot and an hour and forty five minutes after we left.  We were done biking.

Monday, July 2, 2012

1st Day of Class

Well, we have officially started class now.  We have four classes of 45 minutes each day.  Then, in the afternoon, the students do other activities or some sort of sport.  Emily and I were prepped and ready to go right away- for our high school kids.  After the third group, I began to think that something crazy was in the water here because the high school kids are so small.  Turns out, we're teaching the middle school kids - NOT the high school ones.  Welp, we're just as good at the middle level as we are at the high school level, so let's do this right?

We had them start with folding paper "hamburger style" and then "hot dog" style to make name tags (I don't think the high school kids would have gone for this type of activity, but we would have made it work)  For some, it was a challenge to just get them to fold the paper correctly.  Others knew what to do right away and went for it.  There is a healthy amount of coaching with Polish for those who need it, similar to what happened in my Hungarian lessons.  We had them answer some questions on paper, then converse with their neighbor about the questions, and lastly introducing their neighbors to the class.  For most groups, that was a good time activity and then we took a class picture.  However, I had them take a picture WITH their name tags so that we can start remembering/learning their names.  It was a brilliant move.  When I asked the students why they thought we were taking the picture that way, one responded, "so we can be unforgettable" and another, "for a blog."  They don't know that I'm writing this blog, but for the students who inevitably find it, you were right.  
Once I figured out that they were in fact the middle school kids, some of their behaviors made sense.  They were particularly squirrely, mostly because they were excited to be with Americans (I think) and it was something new.  Some were purely overwhelmed.  They just finished school Friday, and here they are two days later being forced to engage with Americans in their second, and perhaps third language.  Some really wanted nothing to do with us - a bit of that middle school/teenage attitude showed through.  Others just wanted to be the funny man- it's (again) typical of any kids anywhere.  In our classroom (I'll put some pictures up) we have large posters of different bugs - as this is an ecological study point as well - and some of the boys were just obsessed with those.  We had one particular boy, Simon, who was about as ADHD as they come - English OR Polish.  He was so off task it was unbelievable that he got anything done - AND he was the only person I had to take a cell phone from.  He was something else.  Turns out we middle school teachers all had the same opinion on him, but perhaps he's just one of those souls who needs a bit of extra love.  After our four classes, we had a meeting with the staff.  Simon’s name came up from all of his teachers :(  Oh well.  Extra patience required.  

Sunday, July 1, 2012

At Camp!!

Like I said before, we are at a legit summer camp.  We are in the middle of the woods, quite near the spot where the first shots were fired between the Germans and the Poles in 1939.  We live in a large chalet like building, and the students are in another dormitory type building.  Our classes are in a building near our dorms.

We met the students today, and interviewed them so that we would have a sense as to where they fit on the "ability" spectrum.  We are going to try and filter them out equally, not homogenous groups.  Which, for the English Conversation classes (which I'm teaching) is probably not the best, but we'll make it work.

We had to ask the students questions about a picture and we threw in a few extra things to see if we could get some spontaneous reaction.  It was very interesting to see how they reacted to us, and to the questions.  I am excited for our new adventure, and you'll be hearing all about it!

This is the courtyard of one of the classroom buildings!!

This is the bag lunch they gave us for the bus - notice two sandwiches, the banana, two small apricots, a muffin and a large Kit Kat bar.